I just spent my time for a movie " What Would Jesus Do" instead of dota game which i usually play in this holiday..
hmm.. well, thanks God who touched my heart through the movie..It had been harden and blindfolded for long in this holiday...
Honestly, i promised to God something i have to achieve in this holiday.. but too bad i lower my defence to temptations...
There was really quite a lot of complicate situations for me.. complicate feeling and though were hunting me.. hmm, well i guess all these happened and came to me were God's plan.. To bring me into higher level of maturity in Him..
I don't reli feel good when im in a long holiday in Miri and locked at home lol.. It turn worst when i follow the living way of flesh.. oh God.. plz let ur kingdom come to my family asap..
God, there is really tons of question in my head.. i m desperate for the resolution and answer.. i need u lord... i need u.. i don't want the dark night..
But He knows the way that I take; when He has tested me, I will come forth as gold. JOB 23:10
Monday, December 26, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sp. Dry
Hmm... I am dry today..
maybe because of fatigue..
Mayb because of i over depend on myself..
Things should not come out from me...
But Him..
I know i have to more alert in receive the eternal and long lasting, refreshing water..
God...I can't....by my own..
I want to see breakthrough in my life...
maybe because of fatigue..
Mayb because of i over depend on myself..
Things should not come out from me...
But Him..
I know i have to more alert in receive the eternal and long lasting, refreshing water..
God...I can't....by my own..
I want to see breakthrough in my life...
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Building of Faith
Starting the end of August, after i made my decision to join the Bible Conference organized by Hope church as well as the "Persecuted Church Camp.. There were lot of up and down i gone through...rather to say it was my faith gone through up and down, i would say it was my semangat.. As faith given by God cant be taken by any1.. We cant let emotion and semangat pull the back leg of faith.. =') Too bad, my spirit influenced easily by things..
Honestly, i played dota often for these few weeks. So i would like to take dota as example. if this was a dota game, i believe i'll gain many experience point if i can overcome these up and down of spirit. I believe i am hitting a "Roshan" at low level.. thats the harsh monster..ya i cant do it myself But God is Mighty right? I may walk toward wounds, BUT the end of victory is a healing! Greater healing with Resurrection! Amen... I am stil hitting this high level monster.. God always want to build us, more like a pure Gold, which can endure to any challenges.
Once in July, i hurt my knee when playing basketball, with a clearly sound of "crap" heard.. It is not bone! but ligamen tear, I am having 80% ACL tear now..This injury do bring me quite a lot of problem.. it is not v pain, but unstable!
I am worry to further practise in volleyball,basketball and lot of more high demand sports which i may need to master as syllabus of my course. I turn nervous when i had came to the general hospital for scope. The 1st day b4 scope is still favourable for me as i can stay in 2nd class wad which gt aircond.. but it turn different when i myself have to being "bius". So nervous haha! Then it followed by a frustate when doctor told me ACL tear of 80%. I knew i hurt my ligament, but tat statement reli hurt for me.. That night i had a terrible time in inconvenience of movement, especially in go to toilet!!! MY knee felt pain after i move.. Thanks God painkiller was given by doctor...
Then i am given 2 weeks of mc.. Well i got alot of mc this sem.. Too much time to calm down.. But i didn't spend much time for God from that much much much of leisure time.. i did spent sometime on reading of spiritual book, think of the purpose of God behind all this thiings... well actually, what i had realize after these is my practical of faith is too weak.. i may know what should i do n what should i dont, but haiz.. i failed.. not bcz of God.. but jz because i didn't surrender all myself to Him, let Him incontrol of me.. I also realize how nice it is to have a simple but strong faith.. Just believe without much doubt.. But faith is something present with doubt and question, but still believe over the hope.. hmm, i want to be a people of strong faith in God.. used by God, to bring lives to Him...
My family helped me alot through comfort and support. but too bad i respond with my weakness of hot temper. i am sorry.. give me time to overcome this k? not by myself.. but understand Jesus more.. to love you all more too...
Honestly, i played dota often for these few weeks. So i would like to take dota as example. if this was a dota game, i believe i'll gain many experience point if i can overcome these up and down of spirit. I believe i am hitting a "Roshan" at low level.. thats the harsh monster..ya i cant do it myself But God is Mighty right? I may walk toward wounds, BUT the end of victory is a healing! Greater healing with Resurrection! Amen... I am stil hitting this high level monster.. God always want to build us, more like a pure Gold, which can endure to any challenges.
Once in July, i hurt my knee when playing basketball, with a clearly sound of "crap" heard.. It is not bone! but ligamen tear, I am having 80% ACL tear now..This injury do bring me quite a lot of problem.. it is not v pain, but unstable!
I am worry to further practise in volleyball,basketball and lot of more high demand sports which i may need to master as syllabus of my course. I turn nervous when i had came to the general hospital for scope. The 1st day b4 scope is still favourable for me as i can stay in 2nd class wad which gt aircond.. but it turn different when i myself have to being "bius". So nervous haha! Then it followed by a frustate when doctor told me ACL tear of 80%. I knew i hurt my ligament, but tat statement reli hurt for me.. That night i had a terrible time in inconvenience of movement, especially in go to toilet!!! MY knee felt pain after i move.. Thanks God painkiller was given by doctor...
Then i am given 2 weeks of mc.. Well i got alot of mc this sem.. Too much time to calm down.. But i didn't spend much time for God from that much much much of leisure time.. i did spent sometime on reading of spiritual book, think of the purpose of God behind all this thiings... well actually, what i had realize after these is my practical of faith is too weak.. i may know what should i do n what should i dont, but haiz.. i failed.. not bcz of God.. but jz because i didn't surrender all myself to Him, let Him incontrol of me.. I also realize how nice it is to have a simple but strong faith.. Just believe without much doubt.. But faith is something present with doubt and question, but still believe over the hope.. hmm, i want to be a people of strong faith in God.. used by God, to bring lives to Him...
My family helped me alot through comfort and support. but too bad i respond with my weakness of hot temper. i am sorry.. give me time to overcome this k? not by myself.. but understand Jesus more.. to love you all more too...
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Recent update
It have been a long time since my last post..
Thanks God I am motivated to express my situation here today..
More and more things happened around me..
It just like cars in KL, whereby you won't magnify each of them too much anymore, because it came to your life just as it is normal and part of your life..
It may not impossible to let reader understand the situations I were in, but the feelings of mine were far more complicate to let one understand...
Too bad it maybe harder for some of us here that have lost contact for long.. I have to apologise too for being newbie in this. But I am "growing" healthily.. No doubt, I believe you still can understand what I mean by "growing" here..
If I say I don't live for the world,
I hope you can know who am I living for...
If I die one day,
I hope you know perfectly where am I going...
It is not an easy task when you commit to Christ,
but you'll commit naturally when you know how real, how mighty is the God..
thanks God i am embedded in the grace... The grace which is actually a gift for every1 of us..
Jesus had been calling you in your life for times,
but you are too busy, eventually reject Him..
Today, I believe Jesus is still calling you..
I would like to encourage you to open your heart to Him..
Testimony this truth!
Thanks God I am motivated to express my situation here today..
More and more things happened around me..
It just like cars in KL, whereby you won't magnify each of them too much anymore, because it came to your life just as it is normal and part of your life..
It may not impossible to let reader understand the situations I were in, but the feelings of mine were far more complicate to let one understand...
Too bad it maybe harder for some of us here that have lost contact for long.. I have to apologise too for being newbie in this. But I am "growing" healthily.. No doubt, I believe you still can understand what I mean by "growing" here..
If I say I don't live for the world,
I hope you can know who am I living for...
If I die one day,
I hope you know perfectly where am I going...
It is not an easy task when you commit to Christ,
but you'll commit naturally when you know how real, how mighty is the God..
thanks God i am embedded in the grace... The grace which is actually a gift for every1 of us..
Jesus had been calling you in your life for times,
but you are too busy, eventually reject Him..
Today, I believe Jesus is still calling you..
I would like to encourage you to open your heart to Him..
Testimony this truth!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Roman 10:9
圣经:圣经都是上帝所默示的,于教训,督责,使人归正,教导人学义,都是有益的。 (2 Timotis 3:15)
既然“圣经都是上帝所默示的”, 我想我们都有必要去验证这到底是真是假。。 若假的,就可救醒世上许许多多的基督徒,若真的,欢迎你来到神为你准备的救恩和国度。
愿圣灵时时刻刻引导你们。。 =D
Roman 10:9
圣经:圣经都是上帝所默示的,于教训,督责,使人归正,教导人学义,都是有益的。 (2 Timotis 3:15)
既然“圣经都是上帝所默示的”, 我想我们都有必要去验证这到底是真是假。。 若假的,就可救醒世上许许多多的基督徒,若真的,欢迎你来到神为你准备的救恩和国度。
愿圣灵时时刻刻引导你们。。 =D
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
It is good to have home.
Besides my home at Miri, i miss my home at Hope KB and
i would like to visit my home in Heaven too XD....
i would still continue my prayer although my family don't realize and practise the God's love.
God ll help us,
never abandon us...
Thanks God
halleluyah~~ =D
Besides my home at Miri, i miss my home at Hope KB and
i would like to visit my home in Heaven too XD....
i would still continue my prayer although my family don't realize and practise the God's love.
God ll help us,
never abandon us...
Thanks God
halleluyah~~ =D
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A sharing about my growth in Christ :
Sudah hampir satu tahun saya tinggalkan rumah saya dan menuntut pelajaran berjauhan dari tempat pelindung saya (rumah). Namun, saya tidak terasa merungut, sebaliknya saya ingin mengirim syukur kepada Tuhan. Sebab Dialah yang mendengar doa dan cinta anakNya, iman saya telah bertumbuh dan ingin saya kongsikan serba sikit perkara yang luar biasa di kehidupan saya setahun ini.
Chapter 1 : Kekalahan sementara
Dari june 2010 sehinggalah jan 2011, saya tidak berusaha sangat untuk menghadirkan diri di gereja kerana kekurangan azam untuk mengenal Tuhan lebih lagi, gereja yang terdekat memerlukan perjalanan satu jam dan kos tambang yang tinggi. Hanyalah antara Kristian di kampus saya kadang-kala ada “fellowship” dan “sharing”.
Chapter 2 : Pembukaan jalan oleh Tuhan
Situasi mendapat berkat daripada Tuhan pada permulaan bulan April. Tuhan telah mengaturkan pengangkutan secara percuma daripada pihak gereja di Kota Bharu. Pada masa itulah saya kerelaan pergi ke gereja disebabkan x perlu bayar kos tambang yang mahal.
Chapter 3 : Cubaan-cubaan dan cara mengatasi dengan bantuan Tuhan
a. Konflik dengan kawan sekelas
- diselesaikan dengan ambil initiatif minta maaf dulu walaupun bukan kesalahan saya semata-mata kerana saya mengikut ajaran firman Tuhan
ROMA 12:18 (ROMAN 12:18)
ROMA 14:19 (ROMAN 14:19)
ROMA 15:2 (ROMAN 15:2)
MATIUS 5:44 (MATTHEW 5:44)
b. Ketakutan kepada iblis dan hantu
- Saya minta pastor untuk doa untuk saya. Pastor itu minta saya berdoa selalu lalu beritahu saya satu janji Tuhan kepada anak-anaknya.
1 Yohanes 4:4 (1 john4:4)
Chapter 4 : Pertumbuhan Iman peringkat awal
Hasil daripada kerelaan bergantung kepada Tuhan dan menurut ajarannya, saya nampak apa yang Tuhan kurniakan lebih indah daripada yang saya inginkan. Kawan-kawan saya berbaik semula dengan saya dan saya tidak takut kepada iblis dengan kekuatan Tuhan. Ketenangan dan Kekuatan telah berada di hati saya dengan percaya dan bergantung kepada Tuhan.
Chapter 5 : Tuhan bercakap dengan saya ( melebihi kebetulan )
Lepas saya semakin percaya dengan Tuhan ini, saya pun galakkan diri untuk baca dan berfikir tentang firman Tuhan serta melaksanakannya. Lalu, contoh di bawah ialah peristiwa yang saya rasa Tuhan bercakap dengan saya.
a. terbaca firman tentang Ayub 1:21
- Saya terbaca firman ini pada pagi saya nak mendaki Gunung Tebu yang boleh dikatakan mencabar.
Firman ini bercerita tentang Ayub dulu yang setia kepada Tuhan, katakan segalanya ialah kurniaan Tuhan, dan segala juga Tuhan boleh alihkan daripada hidupnya. Masa itu, saya menyiapkan diri dan bersedia sekiranya saya mungkin cedera kah, ataupun ada malapetaka yang berlaku pada saya atau orang sekeliling.
HASILNYA, malapetaka kematiaan berlaku pada saudara kawan sekelas saya! Pada masa itu saya merendahkan diri di depan Tuhan yang betul-betul berkuasa ini.
Tuhan seolah-olah menunjukkan kekuasaan dan janjinya walaupun malapetaka bukan berlaku pada saya
b. terbaca firman tentang kisah para rasul 1:24
- Masa itu saya sedang rungsing untuk memilih 1 gereja antara 2. Pada ketika itu saya mendapati bahawa situasi saya sama dengan yang dicerita dalam firman Tuhan juga. Saya pun berdoa selalu supaya memberi tunjuk jalan seperti yang para rasul buat dahulu.
Tuhan seolah-olah bagi tahu saya Dia tahu situasi saya dan nak saya bawa perkara tersebut ke depan Dia dan berdoa
c. terbaca firman Tuhan tentang Matius 7:7
- masa saya berdoa untuk exam saya yang kurang persediaan dan banyak halangan untuk saya mendapat keputusan yang baik, saya baca firman Tuhan juga. SEKALI lagi, saya terbaca firman ini.
Tuhan seolah-olah bagi tahu saya dia janjikan apa yang saya doa tadi.
Chapter 6 : Penyelamat kepada keluarga saya
- Walaupun ada ahli keluarga saya yang belum menerima Tuhan atau dekat kepada Tuhan, namun dalam firman Tuhan kisah para rasul 16:31(Act 16:31), Tuhan menjanjikan keselamatan kepada sekeluarga sekiranya ada satu anggota yang percaya kepada Nya.
- Emak saya yang tidak pergi gereja sudah mula datang ke gereja sekarang. Dia meluahkan isi hatinya kepada saya bahawa dia ingin datang ke hadapan Tuhan dan menyanyi lagu “worship” apabila dia sedih dan rungsing. Saya nampak keinginan mak saya untuk balik kepada Tuhan. Puji Tuhan!!!!
*Semua perkongsian saya di atas adalah secara ringkas atas kelupaan saya tentang perincian,namun perkongsian ini adalah benar dan berlaku pada kehidupan saya. Saya berharap perkongsian ini membantu memperkukuhkan iman adik-beradik dalam Jesus. Amen...
Chapter 1 : Kekalahan sementara
Dari june 2010 sehinggalah jan 2011, saya tidak berusaha sangat untuk menghadirkan diri di gereja kerana kekurangan azam untuk mengenal Tuhan lebih lagi, gereja yang terdekat memerlukan perjalanan satu jam dan kos tambang yang tinggi. Hanyalah antara Kristian di kampus saya kadang-kala ada “fellowship” dan “sharing”.
Chapter 2 : Pembukaan jalan oleh Tuhan
Situasi mendapat berkat daripada Tuhan pada permulaan bulan April. Tuhan telah mengaturkan pengangkutan secara percuma daripada pihak gereja di Kota Bharu. Pada masa itulah saya kerelaan pergi ke gereja disebabkan x perlu bayar kos tambang yang mahal.
Chapter 3 : Cubaan-cubaan dan cara mengatasi dengan bantuan Tuhan
a. Konflik dengan kawan sekelas
- diselesaikan dengan ambil initiatif minta maaf dulu walaupun bukan kesalahan saya semata-mata kerana saya mengikut ajaran firman Tuhan
ROMA 12:18 (ROMAN 12:18)
ROMA 14:19 (ROMAN 14:19)
ROMA 15:2 (ROMAN 15:2)
MATIUS 5:44 (MATTHEW 5:44)
b. Ketakutan kepada iblis dan hantu
- Saya minta pastor untuk doa untuk saya. Pastor itu minta saya berdoa selalu lalu beritahu saya satu janji Tuhan kepada anak-anaknya.
1 Yohanes 4:4 (1 john4:4)
Chapter 4 : Pertumbuhan Iman peringkat awal
Hasil daripada kerelaan bergantung kepada Tuhan dan menurut ajarannya, saya nampak apa yang Tuhan kurniakan lebih indah daripada yang saya inginkan. Kawan-kawan saya berbaik semula dengan saya dan saya tidak takut kepada iblis dengan kekuatan Tuhan. Ketenangan dan Kekuatan telah berada di hati saya dengan percaya dan bergantung kepada Tuhan.
Chapter 5 : Tuhan bercakap dengan saya ( melebihi kebetulan )
Lepas saya semakin percaya dengan Tuhan ini, saya pun galakkan diri untuk baca dan berfikir tentang firman Tuhan serta melaksanakannya. Lalu, contoh di bawah ialah peristiwa yang saya rasa Tuhan bercakap dengan saya.
a. terbaca firman tentang Ayub 1:21
- Saya terbaca firman ini pada pagi saya nak mendaki Gunung Tebu yang boleh dikatakan mencabar.
Firman ini bercerita tentang Ayub dulu yang setia kepada Tuhan, katakan segalanya ialah kurniaan Tuhan, dan segala juga Tuhan boleh alihkan daripada hidupnya. Masa itu, saya menyiapkan diri dan bersedia sekiranya saya mungkin cedera kah, ataupun ada malapetaka yang berlaku pada saya atau orang sekeliling.
HASILNYA, malapetaka kematiaan berlaku pada saudara kawan sekelas saya! Pada masa itu saya merendahkan diri di depan Tuhan yang betul-betul berkuasa ini.
Tuhan seolah-olah menunjukkan kekuasaan dan janjinya walaupun malapetaka bukan berlaku pada saya
b. terbaca firman tentang kisah para rasul 1:24
- Masa itu saya sedang rungsing untuk memilih 1 gereja antara 2. Pada ketika itu saya mendapati bahawa situasi saya sama dengan yang dicerita dalam firman Tuhan juga. Saya pun berdoa selalu supaya memberi tunjuk jalan seperti yang para rasul buat dahulu.
Tuhan seolah-olah bagi tahu saya Dia tahu situasi saya dan nak saya bawa perkara tersebut ke depan Dia dan berdoa
c. terbaca firman Tuhan tentang Matius 7:7
- masa saya berdoa untuk exam saya yang kurang persediaan dan banyak halangan untuk saya mendapat keputusan yang baik, saya baca firman Tuhan juga. SEKALI lagi, saya terbaca firman ini.
Tuhan seolah-olah bagi tahu saya dia janjikan apa yang saya doa tadi.
Chapter 6 : Penyelamat kepada keluarga saya
- Walaupun ada ahli keluarga saya yang belum menerima Tuhan atau dekat kepada Tuhan, namun dalam firman Tuhan kisah para rasul 16:31(Act 16:31), Tuhan menjanjikan keselamatan kepada sekeluarga sekiranya ada satu anggota yang percaya kepada Nya.
- Emak saya yang tidak pergi gereja sudah mula datang ke gereja sekarang. Dia meluahkan isi hatinya kepada saya bahawa dia ingin datang ke hadapan Tuhan dan menyanyi lagu “worship” apabila dia sedih dan rungsing. Saya nampak keinginan mak saya untuk balik kepada Tuhan. Puji Tuhan!!!!
*Semua perkongsian saya di atas adalah secara ringkas atas kelupaan saya tentang perincian,namun perkongsian ini adalah benar dan berlaku pada kehidupan saya. Saya berharap perkongsian ini membantu memperkukuhkan iman adik-beradik dalam Jesus. Amen...
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Wonderful Weekend with God

"For God there is nothing impossible."
I myself had experienced more about how God could work in our life..
The solution of conflicts, spreading of gospel in my family, the growth of faith, and lot of other blessings...
I don't think it is the luck who is working on these,
in fact i would like to glorify Lord for the peace He is giving to me through these Sweet and Sour dish..
With the connection by Amon, I manage to know the other frens in KB hope chuch. They are mostly Sarawakian. What made my adventure fantastic is i am the Chinese which is rare in their group.
We went for futsal, baptism, bbq during the weekend.
Thanks God for this exposure.
I felt warm and lovely...
They treated me with love which you ( God ) see it as a v v important element..
God, please teach me how to love as how You love Your creature..
Build me up!
let me be Your medium to spread the love too..
Please bless those frens in KB hope church too, God..
but don't follow my will, but Your will..
May your kingdom work wonderfully around us...
In the name of Yesus,
I pray, Amen

Monday, March 28, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Happy birthday, Sin Wei
Dear sin wei,
Happy birthday ya. haha, though u had left but we, chinese in ipg here stil oganised a simple birthday celebration for you.
Didn't have any birthday cake, but with birthday song, wishes, sincerity, i think u would be happy too if you could still b here...
Amos had made a slide show out of pics and wishes from us for you. When the girls are watching on the slide show, i saw some of them get wet in their eyes, some of them hung a smile on their face but i felt the sorrow. Anyway, i believe you don't wish us to be desperate for times, yet i believe you would feel sad to see them to hung a fake smile. But don't worry, they would grow somehow,they would be strong 1 day, though take time...
Sin Wei,
I did edit the lyric of a song for you.. I sang for you with the accompany of guitar's plucking by Louis. We tried for almost 2 hours for it.. Sry ya i don't have a good sound and singing skill. I hope you like it anyway.
Louis and Amos them called me "长老" just now. Then only i realized i am the eldest chinese among this batch now. You, me and Louis are 91's in this batch, yet you and me always dislike being the eldest. But then i reli wished to help all of them jz now. I mean understand their situation and help. But i understand that it is not a must too. They could have their own trustful friends to share with. Well, I would pray for them, help them whenever i could. So, don't worry la.
Thank you for the present in our memory, thank you for letting us have such chance to grow. Happy birthday to you...
Happy birthday ya. haha, though u had left but we, chinese in ipg here stil oganised a simple birthday celebration for you.
Didn't have any birthday cake, but with birthday song, wishes, sincerity, i think u would be happy too if you could still b here...
Amos had made a slide show out of pics and wishes from us for you. When the girls are watching on the slide show, i saw some of them get wet in their eyes, some of them hung a smile on their face but i felt the sorrow. Anyway, i believe you don't wish us to be desperate for times, yet i believe you would feel sad to see them to hung a fake smile. But don't worry, they would grow somehow,they would be strong 1 day, though take time...
Sin Wei,
I did edit the lyric of a song for you.. I sang for you with the accompany of guitar's plucking by Louis. We tried for almost 2 hours for it.. Sry ya i don't have a good sound and singing skill. I hope you like it anyway.
Louis and Amos them called me "长老" just now. Then only i realized i am the eldest chinese among this batch now. You, me and Louis are 91's in this batch, yet you and me always dislike being the eldest. But then i reli wished to help all of them jz now. I mean understand their situation and help. But i understand that it is not a must too. They could have their own trustful friends to share with. Well, I would pray for them, help them whenever i could. So, don't worry la.
Thank you for the present in our memory, thank you for letting us have such chance to grow. Happy birthday to you...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
纪念 3月10号
Iniyan ( my previous roommate )
Joseph ( my neighbour )
Goh Shu Yin ( my tough chinese friend )
Alexis Goh Sin Wei ( my cheerful chinese friend )
突然接到一个无望的消息,Sin Wei and Iniyan 在车祸中当场身亡。
那个晚上又接着收到Joseph and Shu yin 相继过世的消息。。。。。。
Iniyan ( my previous roommate )
Joseph ( my neighbour )
Goh Shu Yin ( my tough chinese friend )
Alexis Goh Sin Wei ( my cheerful chinese friend )
突然接到一个无望的消息,Sin Wei and Iniyan 在车祸中当场身亡。
那个晚上又接着收到Joseph and Shu yin 相继过世的消息。。。。。。
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Happy birthday da ge!
To jai zing :
Life isn't easy, but you had accompany me all the time..
Life isn't long, yet thanks God we can be sibling..
God bless ya..
Life isn't easy, but you had accompany me all the time..
Life isn't long, yet thanks God we can be sibling..
God bless ya..
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Stretched mind
Lot of things to endure lately...
Yet my rational thinking and self control don't stand a chance to rest...
If i had give up on God,
i would already lose myself..
Yet my rational thinking and self control don't stand a chance to rest...
If i had give up on God,
i would already lose myself..
Monday, February 14, 2011
Am i so special? If so why do i am afraid to be and admit it?
For God there is no coincidence,
I went for a counseling session just now.
It was a group counseling whereby there are 5 of us ( PJ coursemate )
The process and procedure are not much different as i can guess.
However, what gained my attention was the session to draw out your own strength and fitness..
*No leakage of the others's drawing of strengths and weaknesses would be made"
I was the 1st 1 to introduce my own strengths and weaknesses.
To be honest, i don't view myself as a person with much strength but more weaknesses.
In the drawing which i draw without much consideration and doubt,
i draw a cross with a heart, as well as some minor explanation..
I do,
I do believe that the relationship with God is everything.
I believe all my strengths and weaknesses are from God,
morever, for all of these are useless if i don't contribute it in the way God prefer it to be..
So,i didn't describe clearly my strengths and weaknesses in my drawing, but a cross with heart..
Which reflect my mind that,
I am nothing without God..
yet i can't do anything..
The anything i can do also would be nothing lastly..
I really be honest to myself in that time..
But i reli wonder again once i saw the others' drawing and heard the others' explanation..
They have much different opinion..
I have to admit 1 of my weakness here too.
I take time to accept the others as well as the things i dislike or disagree.
I can't conclude much for them..
I believe God have His own plan for me..
I pray for my growth,
please bless me to hav a close relationship with You, God..
I pray for my future,
If You agree to let me become a counsellor or hav the counsellor's skill to serve the people, please bless me and help me, lead me to the way..
I pray for those couples and singles today,
so that they could back to you.
Pray that less people commit suicide due to Breakage of Love..
In the name of Jesus, Amen..
I went for a counseling session just now.
It was a group counseling whereby there are 5 of us ( PJ coursemate )
The process and procedure are not much different as i can guess.
However, what gained my attention was the session to draw out your own strength and fitness..
*No leakage of the others's drawing of strengths and weaknesses would be made"
I was the 1st 1 to introduce my own strengths and weaknesses.
To be honest, i don't view myself as a person with much strength but more weaknesses.
In the drawing which i draw without much consideration and doubt,
i draw a cross with a heart, as well as some minor explanation..
I do,
I do believe that the relationship with God is everything.
I believe all my strengths and weaknesses are from God,
morever, for all of these are useless if i don't contribute it in the way God prefer it to be..
So,i didn't describe clearly my strengths and weaknesses in my drawing, but a cross with heart..
Which reflect my mind that,
I am nothing without God..
yet i can't do anything..
The anything i can do also would be nothing lastly..
I really be honest to myself in that time..
But i reli wonder again once i saw the others' drawing and heard the others' explanation..
They have much different opinion..
I have to admit 1 of my weakness here too.
I take time to accept the others as well as the things i dislike or disagree.
I can't conclude much for them..
I believe God have His own plan for me..
I pray for my growth,
please bless me to hav a close relationship with You, God..
I pray for my future,
If You agree to let me become a counsellor or hav the counsellor's skill to serve the people, please bless me and help me, lead me to the way..
I pray for those couples and singles today,
so that they could back to you.
Pray that less people commit suicide due to Breakage of Love..
In the name of Jesus, Amen..
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Not more than words, yet not 1 could understand easily
I am now doing the thing i didn't do for months,
which is having my flashback with the sentimental song surround my mind...
>< I don't like to immerse myself in a blue, but i found that the feelings in the songs could understand me actually..
I am not special,
but sometime i am wonder whenever i seem like so "special"..
I knew i did the right things sometimes,
but sometime it was not in the eyes of others..
I knew the complex spiritual problem which can makes me down most severely,
but sometime it was not easy to have others understand why i am like this......
is hard to understand, but not hard to notice
is not hard to notice, but hard to understand
I used to back to God for His greatest love, care and comfort,
but i have fall lately..
i have fall lately..
which is having my flashback with the sentimental song surround my mind...
>< I don't like to immerse myself in a blue, but i found that the feelings in the songs could understand me actually..
I am not special,
but sometime i am wonder whenever i seem like so "special"..
I knew i did the right things sometimes,
but sometime it was not in the eyes of others..
I knew the complex spiritual problem which can makes me down most severely,
but sometime it was not easy to have others understand why i am like this......
is hard to understand, but not hard to notice
is not hard to notice, but hard to understand
I used to back to God for His greatest love, care and comfort,
but i have fall lately..
i have fall lately..
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
去 捐款,
去 买些会帮助我在外生活的用品。。。
心也会淌着血的 TT 。。。
去 捐款,
去 买些会帮助我在外生活的用品。。。
心也会淌着血的 TT 。。。
Friday, January 14, 2011
Hidden feeling
I myself doubt my love to my family..
I myself aiming for things but not for family..
I myself know i owe them a lot..
I myself didn't practise to love them..
I myself didn't spend much time to think for them here..
I myself didn't care about what happen at home when i am away..
I myself don't bother if i lose contact with family!!!
Sharing need practise..
While it has been a long time i didn't share through blog..
Things really come by groups,
somehow i can't share every single 1 here too...
My God,
thank you for let me still have this little bit of guilty and knowing that i m a bad son..
please lead me to the path i should...
if i really don't appreciate things and people around,
please let me go through lessons,
and if endanger in death could help,
please ready myself for it too..
I myself aiming for things but not for family..
I myself know i owe them a lot..
I myself didn't practise to love them..
I myself didn't spend much time to think for them here..
I myself didn't care about what happen at home when i am away..
I myself don't bother if i lose contact with family!!!
Sharing need practise..
While it has been a long time i didn't share through blog..
Things really come by groups,
somehow i can't share every single 1 here too...
My God,
thank you for let me still have this little bit of guilty and knowing that i m a bad son..
please lead me to the path i should...
if i really don't appreciate things and people around,
please let me go through lessons,
and if endanger in death could help,
please ready myself for it too..
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